Let me start by saying, I miss you so much I can't even explain how it feels to someone unless they, too, have lost their mom to such a horrific disease such as Alzheimer's Disease. I am writing to you because there are so many things I am saying to you in my head, that I feel I need to put them on paper for anyone struggling with the same things right now to know they are not alone.

There are some other things I want you to know, too. I am finally understanding what it means to 'waste not, want not'. We do not waste anything anymore around here. I even saved my coffee from Tuesday and reheated it Wednesday afternoon so as not to waste it incase I don't get to the store soon. I not longer complacent to cooking and eating all of the food in my freezer and refridgerator, even if I feel like take out or running to the store for something else. That limp piece of celery made it into my weekly soup pot! I am sure you smiled at that! I am finally understanding what it means to use up things that are already open before openning anything new! I am finally understanding how just a simple thing as sitting in your yard on a sunny day can be a wonderful thing. Taking a walk or talking to a friend is something to treasure. I am learning how to just 'be' and not feel like I have to constantly be doing something. When I said my word of the year was 'Focus', I surely didn't know that this virus was going to teach me what it really means.
I also finally understand how much it meant to you when I would call or visit. In today's world, it might be a text but it sure is wonderful to hear from my kids. I understand how much it meant for you to see your grandchildren. I understand how much you enjoyed going to work and how even working in a store was so important to you . I am learning to work virtually and it has made one thing quite clear to me....I am not ready to retire and give up teaching...yet.
I have always believed that everything happens for reasons though we don't know what they are at the time. Just like I believe I will see you again one day. Right now, I am believing that this world is going to be a better place after we figure out this whole Covid-19 Virus. Is firmly believe compassion and empathy will connect us all because we will have ALL gone through this. Please keep an eye on us all and help keep us safe. Please keep a closer eye on Dan throughout his work on EMS/Fire. Also, please keep Adrienne safe, while she tends to her patients who are still in need of a doctor whether they have Covid-19 symptoms or just the common cold.
And....please know...that I am ok. I miss you but I am happy you are not here to live through this time.
I love you Ma,
Your 'Cindy'