I have no doubt at all. I have no doubt that my mom is in Heaven with my dad and my brother. I have no doubt she is with all of my family who is in Heaven. I have no doubt that my mom is the one who made sure my Easter would be as great as it possibly could be considering the Covid-19 Pandemic. I found the Bunny Molds!!! The bunny molds, that have been missing for the past few years, were finally located. I found the bunny molds!!

Last week I was cleaning in my laundry room. I had several boxes that I put on shelves when I cleaned out my mother's house, as well as, a few boxes I put downstairs to make room in the spare room for Nora to have her own bed and a place for the kids toys. I spent quite a few hours rearranging items upstairs and going through all of the boxes on the shelves downstairs so I could organize it all. After two days of work, I was ready to call it quits and just leave the last two boxes untouched on the bottom shelf. However, something made me bring the boxes upstairs and finish the job. (I often give up and just leave a few things undone.) In the back of my mind, I could hear my mother's voice say, "Cynthia Ann, finish what you started!" So I continued.

The first box I opened was a very neatly packed treasure chest. Inside were all of my Doily Crochet patterns, needles, and even some crochet cotton. My grandmother taught me how to crochet these and I forgot where everything was. Inside the box was a tote bag from the Washington Zoo I purchased when I chaperoned my oldest son's trip in his 6th grade year (he is 37 now)! Also inside were several cross stitch kits, crosstitch floss, a new table cloth to stitch, and some plastic canvas kits. However, right on top of all of this, was a brand new kit to cross stitch that has cardinals on it. I knew when I saw the cardinals, it was a sign from my mom. Everyone knows how much I believe in cardinals. I was so happy to find this box of crafting that I began to sort it all out and it still sits in my kitchen today while I decide which one to make first.

There was still one box. It was late. I was tired. I was also feeling sad about the loss of our regular Easter traditional celebration. However, I went ahead and opened the last box. On top of the many pens, pencils, markers, etc...sat the BUNNY MOLDS! I was so excited I started to yell to my husband in his makeshift office down stairs and he thought I was crazy! I couldn't believe that after at least five years of seraching for these bunny molds, I had finally found them.
You know what I am going to say next....My mom is the one who showed me where they were. I just know it! I kept it a secret from my family and made the bunnies for Easter. I don't know if anyone else really missed them as much, but it made me feel great to know I have them back. They are now safely placed back in the closet, on the organized kitchen shelf, so I will know right where they are for next year! Thank you Ma!