With a heavy heart, I need to share that on Saturday, February 1, 2020, after a few days of drastic decline and my blessing, my mom joined my dad in Heaven. During these past two months I noticed more and more that my mom was tiring more frequently. It was increasingly difficult to find an oppurtune time to visit with her when she was fully awake. Although she was still happy and smiling, she began to find food difficult to eat and her bed seemed to bring her more happiness that sitting in the activity room. A rapid decline of 9 pounds during a four week period, led to her appearing so fragile that I just knew she was starting a journey to meet up with my dad and her baby boy. Many people do not know that my mom had a baby boy before I was born. He was born in May of 1960 but sadly died in my mom's arms in December of the same year. My mom told me all about my brother, Johnny, named after my father. She told me all about how scared she was that I was going to die too, as she was pregnant with me when Johnny went to Heaven. I was later born in April of 1961 without any health issues like my brother.
Losing a parent is never easy, but having a parent suffer with Alzheimer's for a long time makes the goodbye seem to last forever. Someone told me that having someone with Alzheimer's in your life is like living with a long, long goodbye. It is like grieving over every little decline. While this was very true and I spent many car rides home crying until turning onto my road, the feeling at the end was just a new as if my mom didn't have Alzheimer's and just passed in her sleep. It was, and is, still shocking to me. I want more time with my mom. I want more visits even if she can't talk to me or doesn't recognize me, 'her Cindy'. Her passing was so quick that she didn't suffer for very long at all and was a blessing. However, it was so fast, I didn't have time to truly prepare myself.
My mom was born in Scranton, PA and moved to live with her Aunt and Uncle in Tunkhannock, PA, when she was 12. She didn't have a loving wonderful childhood between the ages of 9 and 12 because her mom died and she was left taking care of her two little brothers and her father, whom she never wanted to talk about with me. She would only tell me he was not a good man. After highschool or during highschool, she met my dad. They married and settled into a large Inn in Lake Carey PA. I have vague memories of the house because we moved to Massachusetts when I was 6. My mom was my biggest cheerleader and always made my birthday and all holidays special. Once I grew up and got married, she made her grandchildren the center of her world and spoiled them too. My mom would give you anything if she had it and you needed it.
Through my grief last week, I didn't really realize it but my mom gave me one last gift that I will never forget. I told her how much I loved her and that it was ok for her to join my dad as he was holding her baby boy waiting for her. I told her that I would always love her and that I just knew I would see her again. I told her that I would be ok and that I have my husband, my children, and my grandchildren. I kissed her forehead, gave her a hug, and then went home for the night. I received the call at 4:25am the next morning that my mom passed in her sleep. While I struggled with the finality of it and thought about how my mom couldn't do things anymore with me, I didn't really think about she would give me a final gift.
My mom is buried alongside my dad in PA. My husband and I made the trip down. My oldest son flew down from his home in Vermont. My other two children rented an SUV and took a nostalgic road trip. Our travels were different but we all stayed in the same hotel, on the same floor. We spent the first afternoon and evening together. We went to dinner together at a local restaurant of my husband's choice. We all squished in my husband's car. We then stayed up very late sharing stories and memories of my mom, their "Ma" as they called her. We shared stories about our lives now and stories about when they were young. They teased me about funny things they say I did or do and we had an enjoyable evening for as much as you can enjoy time the evening before your mom's funeral.
The day of the funeral we met for breakfast and then met to drive to the funeral home. The five of us went together in my son's rental car, with him driving. They helped me get through one of the toughest days of life. After the funeral we joined my mom's side of the family at "Cracker Barrel". The food was good and the fellowship was even better. We parted ways with extended family and returned to the hotel. My cousins on my dad's side came over to our hotel and we talked for a long time. They told my kids stories about me growing up (some I don't think are true!) However, I will forgive them because they gave me the most beautiful bracelet with a cardinal on it that matches one they both have.
After they left, we got back in the rental car and went to the casino together to honor my moem! My mom loved casinos and slot machines. She lived to play her slots! No matter what country she traveled to with my dad, she always searched out slot machines! We gave ourselves one hour to try our luck and then met up for supper again. After a few drinks and some good food, we made our way back to the hotel. Tired as we might be, we still met up again to 'hang out', have some snacks (I think only I ate the junk food) and some drinks before heading off to bed. Even though I missed my mom tremendously and I will forever...
I realized......my mom gave me the best last gift. Because of my mom, I got to spend time with my adult children. The time we spent together was ours. I love my grandchildren and I love my daughter in law and my daughter and other son's significant others, but this was like it was when my kids were little. Just the 5 of us. Selfishly I enjoyed every second of having my children with me and my husband. My mom gave me that gift by bringing us together. Even though my mom joined my dad, she was still taking care of her baby girl by giving me the best gift ever!